
email us with
Subject: Register, in game name (must be exact)

1.In game name (exact)
2.Friend Code
4.Hours you can almost always battle.
5.Your team with ther


Subject: challenge gym name
3.current gym badges
4.current team

Change Team

Subject: Team Change In game name (exact)

1.In game name (exact)
2.Friend code
3.Current team
4.Time of last Change
5.Old pokemon and New pokemon.

Sighn up for a tournament

Subject: tournament's name
1.ingame name
2.Friend Code
4.Prefered times of battle

You can cancel your participation any time up to when you pay, you will not be asked to pay until 5 days before the tournament starts and will be notified by email. You must be able to send money to a paypal account. You will be given your battle times before you pay. After you have payed there are no refunds.

Game Change

Subject: Game change old name (exact)
1. old name
2.old friendcode name
4. new friend code game
6.old game
7.current badges
8.current team